Vista general de documentación
¡Bienvenido al Portal de Desarrolladores de Conflux! Este portal integral está diseñado para guiarlo a través de las complejidades de Conflux, una red de cadena de bloques descentralizada de alto rendimiento. Aquí encontrará resúmenes detallados de los conceptos, herramientas y directrices fundacionales de la plataforma.
Conflux Network tiene dos espacios: Espacio Principal y eSpace, la experiencia de desarrollo de Espacios Principales y eSpace son diferentes, consulte los documentos a continuación para ver cómo comenzar a construir en cada espacio.
Si tiene alguna pregunta con respecto a la documentación, no dude en [crear un Issue](► ux-documentation/issues), envía correos electrónicos a build@nbuxnetwork. rg o únete al canal de desarrollo de Discord para conversar con nosotros.
Title | Description |
User Guide | A guide for users on configuring MetaMask to interact with Conflux's eSpace. |
Developer Quickstart | A quickstart guide for Ethereum developers to configure their development environment for interaction with Conflux's eSpace. |
Developer Tutorials | Developer tutorials for building on Conflux's eSpace, including contract deployment and verification. |
Cross Space Bridge | Learn about the cross-space bridge, enabling seamless transfer of assets and data between Conflux's eSpace and Core Space. |
Network RPC Endpoints | Find a list of network endpoints for eSpace. |
EVM Compatibility | Understand eSpace's VM compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), facilitating the deployment of EVM-compatible smart contracts and dApps on Conflux. |
JSON-RPC Compatibility | Discover eSpace's JSON-RPC compatibility with Ethereum RPCs. |
Core Space
Title | Description |
Getting Started with Core Space | Begin your journey in Conflux's Core Space, understanding its fundamental concepts and operations. |
Developer Quickstart | A quickstart guide for developers to use js-conflux-sdk to send their first Core Space transaction. |
Developer Tutorials | Developer tutorials for building on Core Space, covering contract deployment, contract verification, and Sponsorship. |
Core Space Basics | Learn about the foundational concepts of Conflux's Core Space, including accounts, transactions, and gas. |
Core Space Transactions | Learn about everything about Core Space Transactions, including tx fields, lifecycle, common errors |
Core Space Network RPC Endpoints | Find a list of network endpoints for Conflux's Core Space. |
Core Space JSON-RPC Reference | Learn about the JSON-RPC protocols in Core Space for remote procedures. |
Storage | Understand Conflux's Collateral for Storage (CFS) mechanism, a more fair and reasonable pricing method for using storage in Conflux Core Space, compared to Ethereum. |
Sponsorship Mechanism | Discover Conflux’s gas sponsorship mechanism, which facilitates smart contract usage without gas costs, allowing sponsored contract executions even by new, zero-balance accounts. |
Internal Contracts | Conflux introduces several built-in internal contracts for improved system maintenance and on-chain governance in Core Space, including AdminControl , SponsorWhitelistControl , Staking , ConfluxContext , PoSRegister , and ParamsControl . |
Run a Node | Familiarize yourself with the process of setting up and operating a Conflux node, becoming an integral part of the network. |
Understanding the Conflux Network
Title | Description |
Spaces | Explore the dual-space ecosystem of Conflux, facilitating seamless integration of Conflux-format and Ethereum-format transactions within a single network. |
Consensus Mechanism | Discover Conflux's hybrid PoW-PoS consensus mechanism, combining Proof of Work with Proof of Stake for enhanced security and performance. |
TreeGraph & GHAST | Learn about the TreeGraph blockchain structure and GHAST algorithm, foundational components of Conflux's Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism. |
Proof Of Stake | Understand Conflux's Proof of Stake (PoS) as a part of its hybrid PoW-PoS consensus mechanism, enhancing security and performance. |
Economics | An introduction to the economic model of Conflux, including the native token, CFX, and its utility within the network. |
Governance | Overview of Conflux Governance. |
Research Papers | The Conflux Network is built on a foundation of rigorous research. This section provides a collection of Conflux's research papers, including the original whitepaper, detailing the network's innovative consensus mechanism. |
Conflux_Protocol_Specification | The Conflux yellow paper. |
Accounts | Learn about network accounts, capable of holding balances and initiating transactions. |
Transactions | Explore transactions – transfers and other actions that modify Conflux's state. This section also elucidates the unique aspects of Conflux transaction lifecycle, distinct from Ethereum's model. |
Gas | Learn about the gas mechanism in Conflux, used to compute transaction costs and incentivize network operations. |
Title | Description |
Contributing | Learn how you can contribute to improving the Conflux Network documentation portal, sharing expertise, and collaborating with the community. |
Grants | Dive into the Conflux Foundation's Grants Program, designed to support innovative projects and ideas that contribute to the growth and development of the Conflux Network. This section details the types of grants available, application processes, and criteria for evaluation, providing a comprehensive guide for potential applicants seeking financial support for their projects within the Conflux ecosystem. |