
Run an eSpace Node

eSpace 和 Core Space 共用一个节点程序,请参考 Core Space 节点操作指南 来运行节点。 以下是一些特定于 eSpace 的配置。

eSpace RPC 配置

要设置一个 eSpace RPC 节点,您需要打开以下配置项:

public_evm_rpc_apis = "evm"

eSpace 的 RPC 端点端口与 Core Space 不同,您不能Core Space 的 RPC 端口访问 eth RPC 接口。

Full State

To enable full state for eSpace, you need to set the single_mpt_space parameter to evm and run a archive node.

single_mpt_space = "evm"

By enable full state, you can query the state of the contract or account at any block height.

eSpace Chain ID

The eSpace mainnet chain ID is 1030, testnet is 71. Normally you don't need to change this.

evm_chain_id = 1030


the method eth_getTransactionCount does not exist/is not available

Please check if the RPC port is correct. The default RPC port of eSpace is 8545, is different with Core Space RPC port.

Is eSpace use same node with Core Space ?


Does eSpace node have blockchain data snapshot?

Yes, same with Core Space.